
You need a fee calculating tool that will work for any project…

  • Small Projects

  • Large Projects

  • Complex Projects

  • Unique Scope of Services

I call it, FeeCalqs

FeeCalqs can estimate the fee for any Building Group,
even two or three in a multi- use project. A weird scope of services is no problem. And you can see the allotted hours for each phase as a checks and balances step.

After an hour you have a fee that you are confident in. Just three simple steps.

Step One

Describe the Building Type(s)

Step Two

Edit the Scope of Services

Step Three

Evaluate the Design Budget created for you

Quoting a fee meant a lost day...and I couldn’t afford the lost time.

My Story

When I started my firm, I had never calculated a fee before. I knew my previous employer charged 6% to design a public school. I got my hands on a fee schedule, and felt a bit better about my ignorance. I tried to estimate number of drawings and hours per sheet. All of this would take a day or more to decide on a fee.

Quoting a fee meant a lost day...and I couldn’t afford the lost time.

I started to digitize the process. It took years to perfect. Eventually the time investment shrunk to under an hour

FeeCalqs - Become an expert in fees

Multi-Use Building — no problem
Unique Scope of Service — no problem
Verify with Design Budget — no problem
Do it all in one hour — no problem

FeeCalqs has been refined continuously over my career. Now I offer the easy-to-use tool to anyone who wants to become an expert in calculating fees. 

Here’s What’s Included

FeeCalqs - a workbook of linked spreadsheets

✔ Project Data Worksheet
✔ Services Worksheet
✔ Design Budget
✔ Customizable Fee Tables
✔ Embedded Instructions
✔ Excel .xlsx and Apple Numbers formats

FeeCalqs Guide

✔ Detailed Instructions
✔ Fee Guides for: Hybrid Projects, Building Groups, Fee Types - and more

Get FeeCalqs Now

The price?
Less than one billable hour.
​It pays for itself in time savings every time you calculate a fee.

30 day money back guarantee
Become a fee expert in a weekend
Stop wasting time risking a guess on fees
You can confidently quote ANY fee


30 day money back guarantee.
If for any reason you think FeeCalqs is not worthwhile, return your order confirmation by email for 100% refund.