Small-Firm Architects and AI in 2025
This post discusses the impact of AI for small-firm architects, particularly after the rise of ChatGPT in 2023, which sparked interest in the technology. The author shares insights gained over the past 18 months, noting the remarkable nature of AI and the mystery surrounding its functioning. Concerns about AI dominating the world appear increasingly unfounded, with the author asserting that its significance will rival that of the Industrial Revolution.
Another Reason Architectural Firms Are Small
Architects need this strategy to grow, endure, and profit.
Organizing Your Files In The Cloud
If you are happy with your way of storing your files, then this won't help you. If not, you may get an idea or two here.
Systems vs Goals
I have disappointed myself for years with my goals. Dilbert showed me a better way.
The Technical Design Diagnostic
The best way to understand what a good design solution requires is NOT to start designing. Try the TDD instead.
Why Are Most Architectural Firms Small?
Did you know that census statistics indicate that most architectural firms are small. I have been wondering about that. Why would that be?
Assembly Concept For Organizing Work
Using the ‘assembly’ concept makes organizing much better for many things Architects do.
Do You Have Unique Methods?
All Architects have unique methods. The real benefit comes from documenting them.
Profit Planning From All Sides
Profit Planning for architects. Download a Profit Planning Worksheet.
The Three Critical Aspects
Growing your architectural firm depends on mastering the three aspects.
The Three Aspects
In order to build a successful architectural firm you need to master the 3 Aspects.
Scheduling And Grouping Design Decisions
Architectural design decisions - when to make them and how to group them for delegation.
Design Phase Checklist Examples
A tool to tell Architects what needs to be done to complete the work of a phase of design.